1. Min Cost To Connect All Points
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Test Case 1:
points = [[0,0],[2,2],[3,10],[5,2],[7,0]]
The first test case from the problem statement.
There are many ways to connect all points. For example: - Path: [0,0] -> [7,0] -> [3,10] -> [2,2] -> [5,2]
- Total Manhattan Distance: \(7 + 14 + 9 + 3 = 33\) (not optimal)
But the optimal way connects them with a total distance of 20, as shown in the problem description.
From any point, you can connect to any other point, and the edge cost is the Manhattan distance. The goal is to minimize the total cost (sum of all edges).
1.1 Minimum Cost Spanning Trees
📚 Problem Overview:
We need to find the minimum cost to connect all points. This is a Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (MCST) problem!
🛠️ How do we turn the points into a graph?
- Each point can be a node.
- The edges are the Mahattan distances between every pair of points in the graph. That means it’s a complete graph—each node is connected to every other one.
Pseudocode for building this graph:
- Run a nested loop:
- For each point
- For every other point,
- Compute the distance and store the edge in an adjacency matrix or an adjacency list
- For every other point,
- For each point
💡 The Solution:
- Build the Graph
- Find the MCST:
- Use Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm to find the Minimum Cost Spanning Tree. 🌐
- Then, just sum up the edge weights of the Tree. That’s our minimum cost! 🏆
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def kruskal(WList):
"""Kruskal's as per the PDSA book"""
(edges,component,TE) = ([],{},[])
for u in WList.keys():
edges.extend([(d,u,v) for (v,d) in WList[u]])
component[u] = u
for (d,u,v) in edges:
if component[u] != component[v]:
TE.append((u,v, d))
c = component[u]
for w in WList.keys():
if component[w] == c:
component[w] = component[v]
return TE
def compute_min_cost(TE) -> int:
# Compute the Minimum Cost based on Tree Edges
min_cost = 0
for u, v, d in TE:
min_cost += d
class Solution:
def minCostConnectPoints(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
# Init Adjacency Matrix
AList = { i : [] for i in range(len(points))}
# Each point can be connected to every other point and their manhattan distance can be computed.
for i in range(len(points)):
x1, y1 = points[i][0], points[i][1]
for j in range(i + 1, len(points)):
x2, y2 = points[j][0], points[j][1]
dist = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
# Distance from point i to j is same as from j to i. So init both entries
AList[i].append((j, dist))
AList[j].append((i, dist))
tree_edges = kruskal(AList)
minimum_cost = compute_min_cost(tree_edges)
return minimum_cost
2. Path with Maximum Probability
2.1 Using Dijkstra
📚 Problem Overview:
We need to find the maximum probability of getting from a start_node
to an end_node
in a graph. Each edge in the graph has a success probability, and we want to maximize the total probability along the path. For example, if there’s a path A -> B -> C
with probabilities A -> B = 0.5
and B -> C = 0.5
, the total probability for the path A -> C
is \(0.5 \times 0.5 = 0.25\).
💡 The Solution:
It’s similar to finding the shortest path, but here we are finding the path with the highest probability!
We create an adjacency list where each node is connected to its neighbors with the probability of success for each edge.
Max-Heap: To keep track of the most promising path, we can use a max-heap. But since Python’s
is a min-heap, we store negative probabilities (because minimizing negatives is same as maximizing positives).We can run Dijkstra’s algorithm, but instead of minimizing distance, we maximize probability. We stop as soon as we reach the
If we never reach the end node, we return 0.0
because there’s no valid path!
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class Solution:
def maxProbability(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], succProb: List[float], start_node: int, end_node: int) -> float:
# Create an adjacency list
WList = defaultdict(list)
for i, (start, end) in enumerate(edges):
probab = succProb[i]
WList[start].append((end, probab))
WList[end].append((start, probab))
# Max-heap (negative probabilities to simulate a max-heap)
heap = [(-1.0, start_node)] # (negative probability, node)
dist = [-1.0] * n # Store the maximum probability to reach each node
dist[start_node] = 1.0 # Start node has a probability of 1
while heap:
# Pop the node with the maximum probability
current_prob, node = heapq.heappop(heap)
current_prob = -current_prob # Convert back to positive
# If we reached the end node, return the probability
if node == end_node:
return current_prob
# Explore neighbors
for neighbor, weight in WList[node]:
new_prob = current_prob * weight
# Only update if we found a higher probability path to neighbor
if new_prob > dist[neighbor]:
dist[neighbor] = new_prob
heapq.heappush(heap, (-new_prob, neighbor))
# If we never reach the end node
return 0.0
3. Cheapest Flight Within K Stops
3.1 Using Dijkstra
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class Solution:
def findCheapestPrice(self, n, flights, src, dst, k):
# Create the adjacency list
adj_list = {i: [] for i in range(n)}
for flight in flights:
from_city, to_city, price = flight
adj_list[from_city].append((to_city, price))
# Priority queue -> (current price, city, stops)
pq = [(0, src, 0)] # (price, city, stops)
## BFS with Heap
# visited[city] stores min number of stops to reach the city
visited = {}
while pq:
price, city, stops = heapq.heappop(pq)
# If we reach the destination, return the price
if city == dst:
return price
# If we have visited this city with fewer stops before, skip
if city in visited and visited[city] < stops:
# Store the minimum number of stops to this city
visited[city] = stops
# If we have more stops than k, continue to the next city
if stops > k:
# Add neighbors to explore
for neighbor, cost in adj_list[city]:
new_price = price + cost
heapq.heappush(pq, (new_price, neighbor, stops + 1))
# If no valid route found
return -1