1. Validate Binary Search Tree
1.1 Using Inorder Traversal
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Test Case 1:
root = [ 2, 1, 3]
This is the first test case from the problem description. A valid binary search tree is a one where every node’s left child has value less than the node, and the right child has a value greater than the node. That is: \(left < current < right\). We can see from the tree that this is indeed the case. So, it is a valid binary search tree.
Test Case 2:
root = [ 5, 1, 4, None, None, 3, 6]
This is the second test case from the problem description. The node with value \(4\) is the right child of the node with value \(5\). This violates the conditions of a binary search tree. So, we return False. Note that this violation can occur in any internal node- not just the root node.
📚 Problem Overview:
In a binary search tree (BST), the inorder traversal gives a sorted list of elements. If the BST is valid, then it’s inorder traversal will produce a sorted list. If it is not valid, the inorder traversal will not produce a sorted list.
💡 Approach:
- Do inorder traversal on the tree.
- Check if the result is sorted by comparing each element with the previous one.
If the list is sorted, the tree is a valid BST. If not, it’s invalid.
⏳ Time Complexity: \(O(n)\)
Need help with implementation?
class Solution:
def isValidBST(self, root):
tree = self.inorder_traversal(root) # Do inorder traversal
# Base Case: if tree has just one element, then it is a valid BST
if len(tree) <= 1:
return True
# If the list is sorted, then the L[i - 1] will always be smaller than L[i]
for i in range(1, len(tree)):
if tree[i - 1] >= tree[i]:
return False
return True
def inorder_traversal(self, root):
if not root:
return []
return self.inorder_traversal(root.left) + [root.val] + self.inorder_traversal(root.right)
2. Network Delay Time
2.1 Using Dijkstra
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Test Case 1:
times = [[2,1,1],[2,3,1],[3,4,1]], n = 4, k = 2
This is the first test case from the problem description. Starting node is given as \(k=2\). From \(2\), it will take 1 unit of time to reach both nodes 1 and 3. The signal can travel along both edges in parallel. So reaching both nodes only takes 1 unit of time. But we still have one more node left. After reaching node 3, it will take another 1 unit of time to reach node 4. Once the last node is reached, we return the time taken. In this case, it was 2. Can you relate this to the analogy discussed in one of the lectures?
📚 Problem Overview:
We have an array times where each element times[i] = [u, v, w]
represents a directed edge from node u
to node v
with weight w
. The edges are directed and weighted.
Can you convert the times
array into a graph?
We can represent the times
array as an adjacency list:
= { i:[] for i in range(1, n+1) }
WList for u, v, w in times:
WList[u].append((v, w))
We need to find out the minimum time it will take for the signal to reach all nodes if started from the node k
. Can you identify what type of a problem this is? 🤔
This is a shortest path problem. Since the weights are non-negative, we can solve it using Dijkstra’s algorithm. The minimum time for the signal to reach all nodes is the maximum shortest path found after running Dijkstra. In other words, it’s the time when the last node receives the signal.
Need help with implementation?
import heapq
class Solution:
def networkDelayTime(self, times: List[List[int]], n: int, k: int) -> int:
# Convert the "times" array into an adjacency list
WList = { i:[] for i in range(1, n+1) }
visited = {i : False for i in range(1, n+1)}
for u, v, w in times:
WList[u].append((v, w))
# Run Dijkstra on it
dist = {node: float('inf') for node in range(1, n+1)}
dist[k] = 0
# Priority queue
heap = [(0, k)] # (distance, node)
while heap:
# By default, heapq.heappop(heap) returns the minimum element from heap
current_dist, node = heapq.heappop(heap)
visited[node] = True
if current_dist > dist[node]:
for neighbor, weight in WList[node]:
if visited[neighbor]:
distance = current_dist + weight
if distance < dist[neighbor]:
dist[neighbor] = distance
heapq.heappush(heap, (distance, neighbor))
# The minimum time taken for the signal to reach all the vertices, is the same as the last vertex to
# get "burnt" in Dijkstra's algorithm, which is the same as maximum of shortest distance values
max_dist = max(dist.values())
return max_dist if max_dist != float('inf') else -1 # Check if all nodes can be reached or not.
3 Maximum Spending After Buying Items
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
The test cases given in the problem statement are detailed. So we have not discussed them here. One thing to note in the given test cases: The order in which possible values are getting removed from the matrix is from smallest to largest. Can you think of the reason why?
3.1 Brute Force
We are given an \(m \times n\) matrix, and we can take out values only from the right end of each row. Further, the amount spent on a day is defined as day number * value of the product
To maximize spending over m * n
days, can you think of which element do we need to remove first? It should be the smallest element that we can remove, because the spending can be maximized if larger values are taken near the end of m * n
th day. So, from each rows’ last column, we need to pop the one that is the smallest.
- Keep a variable for max spending.
- Iterate day counter \(m \times n\) times
- Keep a minimum value variable.
- Find out the minimum last element for every row- since we can only take elements from the rightmost end.
- Pop and multiply the minimum with the day counter and add this to the max spending.
Time Complexity: \(O(m^2n)\)
Need help with implementation?
class Solution:
def maxSpending(self, values: List[List[int]]) -> int:
m, n = len(values), len(values[0])
max_spending = 0
# Iterate over all days
for day in range(1, m*n + 1):
# Find out the minimum val of the product that can be bought
min_val, min_index = float('inf'), None
for j in range(m):
# Check if the row is not empty
# And since only rightmost product can be bought, only compare L[j][-1]th element
if values[j] and values[j][-1] < min_val:
min_val = values[j][-1]
min_index = j
# Pop the minimum value product and add the value to answer
product_val = values[min_index].pop()
max_spending += day * product_val
return max_spending
3.2 Using Minheaps
We still need to find the minimum of the rightmost elements and add it to the counter. Can you think of a data structure that lets us efficiently remove the minimum element? Minheaps can be used.
Let’s see how: Let’s assume we have the values
array as follows: \[
4 & 3 \\
7 & 5
The heap will consist of all the rightmost elements: \(heap = [ 3, 5]\). From this minheap, we can remove the minimum easily. After delete_min
operation, heap looks like: $ heap = [ 5]$ and the matrix values
looks like this:
\[ \begin{bmatrix} 4 \\ 7 & 5 \end{bmatrix} \]
Now, for the first row, the rightmost element is \(4\). We need to add it to the minheap for the next iteration for this approach to work well as this: \(heap = [4, 5]\). To do this well, we’ll keep track of the row_index to note from which row was this minimum popped.
Here’s the pseudocode:
- Keep the max spending variable
- Create the minheap for the rightmost elements.
- Iterate day counter over \(m \times n\) times
- Remove the minimum from the Minheap.
- From the row from which the minimum was popped, insert the new last element in the heap.
Time Complexity: \(O(mn \cdot log(m))\)
💻 Code Implementation:
class Minheap:
def __init__(self):
self.A = []
def min_heapify(self,k):
= 2 * k + 1
l = 2 * k + 2
r = k
smallest if l < len(self.A) and self.A[l][0] < self.A[smallest][0]:
= l
smallest if r < len(self.A) and self.A[r][0] < self.A[smallest][0]:
= r
smallest if smallest != k:
self.A[k], self.A[smallest] = self.A[smallest], self.A[k]
def delete_min(self):
= None
item if self.A != []:
self.A[0],self.A[-1] = self.A[-1],self.A[0]
= self.A.pop()
item self.min_heapify(0)
return item
def insert_in_minheap(self,d):
= len(self.A)-1
index while index > 0:
= (index-1)//2
parent if self.A[index][0] < self.A[parent][0]:
self.A[index],self.A[parent] = self.A[parent],self.A[index]
= parent
index else:
class Solution:
def maxSpending(self, values: List[List[int]]) -> int:
= len(values), len(values[0])
m, n
# Using Priority Queues- O(mn log(m))
= Minheap(), 0
heap, max_spending
# Create a minimum heap from the last elements
for i in range(m):
-1], i]) # Every elem in heap is: [value, row_number]
# Iterate over days
for day in range(1, m*n+1):
= heap.delete_min() # Delete based on value
min_val, min_store_index # Pop from values array
values[min_store_index].pop() += day * min_val
max_spending if values[min_store_index]:
-1], min_store_index])
return max_spending
4. Average of Levels in Binary Tree
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Test Case 1:
root = [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]
In the given figure, the first level has only one node. So the average of 1st level is: \(3\). In the second level, there are two nodes: 9 and 20. So, the average of the second level is: \(\dfrac{(9 + 20 )}{2}\). Similarly, the third level has two nodes: 15 and 7. So, the average of the third level is: \(\dfrac{(15 + 7)}{2}\). In general, if there are \(n\) nodes in a level, we need to return average as: \(\dfrac{\text{sum of the n nodes' values}}{n}\)
Using BFS:
📚 Problem Overview:
To find the average of values for each level of the tree, we need to process the tree level-by-level. Remember, a tree is just a graph with no cycles , so we can apply graph algorithms to trees too!
When you hear “level-by-level,” which algorithm comes to mind? 🤔
Yep, good old BFS (Breadth-First Search)! BFS helps us traverse the tree one level at a time, which is exactly what we need here. For each level, we collect all the nodes, then simply compute the average of their values.😊
Need help with implementation?
from collections import deque
class Solution:
def averageOfLevels(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[float]:
q = deque()
answer = []
while q:
level_sum = 0 # The sum of the values of a given level
level_nodes = len(q) # Number of nodes at the current level
# Since we use FIFO, this loop ensures that all nodes belonging to one level are popped
for i in range(level_nodes):
node = q.popleft()
level_sum += node.val
# Add left and right children to the queue if they exist.
# Nodes in binary tree have at most 2 neighbors only- the right and left child
if node.right:
if node.left:
# Calculate the average for the current level
answer.append(level_sum / level_nodes)
return answer
5. Kth Largest Element in an Array
📚 Problem Overview:
The problem is straightforward. The easiest way to solve this is by sorting the list in descending order and then selecting k
th element in the list. But we’re told that we cannot use sorting.
Using Heaps:
💡 The Solution:
- We can maintain a min-heap of
elements. - Whenever we find an element which is bigger than the minimum element in the heap, we need to insert that element in the heap. By doing this, at the end of the iteration, we will have the min-heap of
elements which are thek
largest numbers in the array. - Among these
largest elements,k
th largest element, is the smallest element (if you’re given a list ofk
elements and you want to findk
th largest element, that’s the same as finding the minimum in the list). So at the end, we can pop the smallest element from the min-heap, and return it.
Need help with implementation?
import heapq
class Solution:
def findKthLargest(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
heap = [ ]
i = 0
### Initialize heap with the first `k` elements
while i < k:
heapq.heappush(heap, nums[i])
i += 1
# If you find greater element than the smallest, pop minimum from heap and insert nums[i].
for i in range(i, len(nums)):
if heap and heap[0] < nums[i]:
heapq.heappush(heap, nums[i])
# minimum of top k largest number = kth largest in the list
return heapq.heappop(heap)
6. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Need help with implementation?
from collections import deque
class Solution:
def levelOrder(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[List[int]]:
if not root:
return [ ]
# Queue to run BFS with
q = deque()
levelorder = [ ]
while q:
level = [ ] # One level
for i in range(len(q)):
node = q.popleft()
# Only two neighbors possible- right child or left child
if node.left: q.append(node.left)
if node.right: q.append(node.right)
return levelorder
7. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree
💻 Code Implementation:
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def maxLevelSum(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
# Error Case
if not root:
return [ ]
# Queue for running BFS
= deque()
# Compute Level Orders
= [ ]
levelorder while q:
= [ ]
row for i in range(len(q)):
= q.popleft()
row.append(node.val)if node.left: q.append(node.left)
if node.right: q.append(node.right)
# Find maximum of the level orders
= float('-inf')
maximum = -1
maxlevel for i, level in enumerate(levelorder):
if sum(level) > maximum:
= i
maxlevel = sum(level)
maximum return maxlevel + 1