1. Find the Town Judge
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Test Case 1:
n = 3, trust = [[1, 3], [2, 3]]
There are 3 people in the town. Person 1 trusts Person 3, and Person 2 also trusts Person 3. Person 3 doesn’t trust anyone, and both other people trust Person 3. This means Person 3 meets the conditions of being the town judge: trusted by everyone but trusts nobody. Hence, he is the town judge.
Test Case 2:
n = 3, trust = [[1, 3], [2, 3], [3, 1]]
There are 3 people in the town. Person 1 trusts Person 3, and Person 2 also trusts Person 3. Person 3 trusts Person 1, which means Person 3 is not trusted by everyone (because Person 1 and Person 2 trust Person 3, but Person 3 also trusts Person 1). The town judge must trust nobody and be trusted by everyone else. Since Person 3 doesn’t meet this condition (because they trust Person 1), there is no town judge. So we return -1.
1.1 By Counting Indegrees
We have an array trusts
, where each entry \(trusts[i] = [a_i, b_i]\) tells us that \(a_i\) trusts \(b_i\).
If \(a_i\) trusts \(b_i\), how could we represent this in a graph?
If \(a_i\) trusts \(b_i\) then we can consider it an edge from \(a_i\) to \(b_i\).
Finding the Town Judge:
The town judge is a person who:
- Trusts no one \(\implies\) Outdegree = 0
- Is trusted by everyone except himself \(\implies\) Indegree = n - 1
To solve this, we can use dictionaries:
- Indegree Dictionary : Tracks how many people trust each person.
- Outdegree Dictionary : Tracks how many people each person trusts.
- How can we use these dictionaries to find the town judge?
We can check if someone has an outdegree of 0 and an indegree ofn-1
. Since the town judge is unique, whenever we find such person, we can return it.
Time complexity: \(O(|E| + n)\), where \(|E|\) is the number of edges in the graph, and \(n\) is the number of nodes.
Need help with implementation?
class Solution:
def findJudge(self, n: int, trust: List[List[int]]) -> int:
if n <= 1:
return 1
indegrees = { }
outdegrees = { }
# trust = [a_i, b_i]
# a_i -> b_i
for a, b in trust:
if a not in indegrees: indegrees[a] = 0
if b not in indegrees: indegrees[b] = 0
if a not in outdegrees: outdegrees[a] = 0
if b not in outdegrees: outdegrees[b] = 0
outdegrees[a] += 1
indegrees[b] += 1
# If indegree == n - 1 and outdegree == 0, then we have found the town judge.
townjudge = -1
for person in indegrees:
if outdegrees[person] == 0:
if indegrees[person] >= n - 1:
townjudge = person
return townjudge
2. Course Schedule-I
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Test Case 1:
numCourses = 3, prerequisites = [[1,0], [2, 1]]
There are a total of 3 courses to take. To take course \(1\) you should have finished course \(0\). To take the course \(2\), you need to finish course \(1\). If a student decides to pursue courses as follows: \(0, 1, 2\), then all courses can be completed. So we return True
Test Case 2:
numCourses = 2, prerequisites = [[1,0], [0, 1]]
There are a total of \(2\) courses to take. To take course \(1\) you should have finished course \(0\). To take the course \(0\), you need to finish course \(1\). It is not possible for a student to complete both courses. So we return False
. In essence, there is a cycle in the prerequisites.
2.1 Topological Sorting
🔍 Problem Understanding:
We have a list of prerequisites where each pair \(prerequisites[i] = [a_i, b_i]\) means that you need to complete \(b_i\) before taking \(a_i\). In simpler terms, \(a_i\) depends on \(b_i\).
How can we convert this into a graph?
If \(b_i\) needs to be completed before \(a_i\), we add a directed edge from \(b_i \rightarrow a_i\). Note the direction of the edge. For this problem, we are converting the prerequisites
array into graph using adjacency matrix.
How do we find a sequence of courses that respects all the dependencies? Which algorithm should we use?
Once we have converted this problem into a graph problem, we can use the topological sorting to find the sequence that respects all the dependencies. You can also solve this problem using BFS or DFS by detecting cycles in the graph. Here, we’re using topological sort.
When would we say that we have successfully found the sequence of courses satisfying the dependencies?
When we the sequence includes all the courses, and no course is left. If a course is left out, that means we can’t complete all the courses because there’s a cycle in the graph.
Need help with implementation?
class Solution:
def preprocessing(self, numCourses, prerequisites) -> list[list[int]]:
adjacency_matrix = [ [0 for i in range(numCourses)] for i in range(numCourses) ]
for a, b in prerequisites:
adjacency_matrix[b][a] = 1
return adjacency_matrix
# Implementation of Topological sort for Adjacency matrix
def toposort(self, AMat):
(rows,cols) = len(AMat), len(AMat[0])
indegree = {}
toposortlist = []
#Compute indegree for each vertex
for col in range(cols):
indegree[col] = 0
for row in range(rows):
if AMat[row][col] == 1:
indegree[col] = indegree[col] + 1
# Topological sort Computing process
for i in range(rows):
# Select the min level vertex for removing the graph which has indegree 0
zero_indegree = [k for k in range(cols) if indegree[k] == 0]
if not zero_indegree:return toposortlist #Handle the case where there are no more zero indegree vertices
j = zero_indegree[0]
# Store the removed vertex j in toposortlist and reduce the indegree by one
indegree[j] = indegree[j] - 1
# Reduce the indegree of each adjacent of the removed vertex j by 1
for k in range(cols):
if AMat[j][k] == 1:
indegree[k] = indegree[k] - 1
def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
adjacency_matrix = self.preprocessing(numCourses, prerequisites)
toposortlist = self.toposort(adjacency_matrix)
if len(toposortlist) == numCourses: return True
return False
2.2 Topological Sort: Better Implementation
The approach used is similar to the above approach. However, we are using better data structures to increase our performance. Instead of keeping an adjacency matrix, we are using doubly ended queues and adjacency lists.
Here’s how:
- Keep a deque for vertices with zero degree queue such that the insert at end and delete from start operations are both constant time.
- Keep a dictionary of indegrees which counts the indegrees for each vertex
Time Complexity: \(O(|V| + |E|)\)
Need help with implementation?
from collections import deque, Counter
class Solution:
def canFinish(self, numCourse, prerequisites):
AList = { i: [] for i in range(numCourse)}
indegree = Counter()
visited = { i:False for i in range(numCourse)}
for course, prereq in prerequisites:
indegree[course] += 1
# Initialization
toposortlist = []
zerodegreeq = deque()
# Code from PDSA Book
for u in range(numCourse):
if indegree[u] == 0:
while (zerodegreeq):
curr_vertex = zerodegreeq.popleft()
indegree[curr_vertex] = indegree[curr_vertex]-1
for adj_vertex in AList[curr_vertex]:
indegree[adj_vertex] = indegree[adj_vertex] - 1
if indegree[adj_vertex] == 0:
return len(toposortlist) == numCourse
3. Course Schedule-II
This problem is an exact replica of the above problem, except that we have to return a sequence that satisfies the dependencies, instead of returning a boolean of whether or not we can create such a sequence.
We can use the same approaches discussed in the above question.
4. Snakes and Ladders
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
Please refer to the Problem Overview where we have discussed the first test case.
4.1 Using BFS
📚 Problem Overview:
We have a board with \(n^2\) cells, and from any cell, we can make up to 6 possible moves. Can we turn this into a graph? Yes! Here’s how:
- Start at cell 1.
- We can roll a dice and move to next six cells. In the first test cases, the next possible moves are: 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (because cell 2 has a ladder to 15). If a cell has \(-1\) value, then it’s an empty cell. But if it has a different value, then it is either a snake or a ladder.
- Each possible move from a cell is an edge in our graph.
- Once we have the graph, We need to find the least number of moves required to go from cell 1 to cell \(n^2\). This is a shortest path problem where there are no weights on the edges- we can use Breadth-First Search (BFS).
- We first need to convert the board into a graph.
- For every cell, check the next six cells.
- If the cell has a ladder or a snake, then we need to find out where the ladder ends which is given in cell:
- If the cell does not have a ladder or a snake, then
will have the vaue \(-1\). - Add the edge as:
or the next moves.
- If the cell has a ladder or a snake, then we need to find out where the ladder ends which is given in cell:
- For every cell, check the next six cells.
- Once we have the graph, we can run BFS on this graph, which will return the shortest path.
Need help with the implementation?
from collections import deque
# The BFS code from the PDSA book
def BFSListPathLevel(AList,v):
(level,parent) = ({},{})
for each_vertex in AList.keys():
level[each_vertex] = -1
parent[each_vertex] = -1
q = deque()
level[v] = 0
while q:
curr_vertex = q.popleft()
for adj_vertex in AList[curr_vertex]:
if (level[adj_vertex] == -1):
level[adj_vertex] = level[curr_vertex] + 1
parent[adj_vertex] = curr_vertex
class Solution:
def get_indices(self, cell, n):
A helper function to convert the Boustrophedon style sequence
into a cell's row and column index
remainder = (n - 1) % 2
row = (n - 1) - ((cell - 1) // n)
if row % 2 == remainder:
col = (cell % n) - 1 if cell % n != 0 else n - 1
col = (n) - (cell % n) if cell % n !=0 else 0
return row, col
def preprocessing(self, board:List[List[int]]) -> list[list[int]]:
"""Converts the board into a graph"""
n = len(board)
AList = {i:set() for i in range(1, n*n + 1)}
for i in range(1, n*n + 1):
for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 7, n*n + 1)):
row, col = self.get_indices(j, n)
val = board[row][col]
if val == -1:
if val == i:
return AList
def snakesAndLadders(self, board: List[List[int]]) -> int:
n = len(board)
AList = self.preprocessing(board)
level, parent = BFSListPathLevel(AList, 1)
return level[n*n] # The last cell holds shortest path from start to the last cell
5. Sort Items By Groups Respecting Dependencies
5.1 Using Topological Sort
📚 Problem Overview:
We need to order a list of items so that all items in the same group are listed next to each other. Additionally, some items have dependencies, meaning one item must be completed before another. We can use topological sort to solve this problem.
🤔 The Issue:
If we just run topological sort on the beforeItems
array, it might work for some test cases, but not all.
Can you think of the test cases where this approach will fail?
Imagine this situation:
Group 0: Items [1, 2]
Group 1: Items [3, 4]
Here’s the setup:
Item 1 has no dependencies (indegree[1] = 0
). Item 3 also has no dependencies (indegree[3] = 0
). Item 2 and Item 4 each have one dependency (indegree[2] = 1 and indegree[4] = 1
Now, assume:
Item 2 must come before Item 4. Item 1 must come before Item 2. This means the correct order should be: 1 → 2 → 4.
The problem arises when choosing between Item 1 and Item 3, as both have no dependencies. If we choose Item 3 first, we should list the other items from Group 1 next to it, leading to an order like this: 3, 4. This leaves us with Group 0 and the sequence 1, 2. The final order would be 3, 4, 1, 2, which breaks the dependency 1 → 2 → 4. (Draw these nodes and edges to get a clearer picture!)
💡 The Solution:
To solve this, we need to track the dependencies of both individual items and groups. Here’s how we can do that:
- Create Two Graphs:
- Item Graph: Use the
array to build a graph showing how items depend on each other. - Group Graph: Also use the
array to build a graph showing how groups depend on each other. - We can use either the adjacency list or the adjacency matrix representation. Here, we are using the adjacency list representation.
- Item Graph: Use the
- Run Nested Topological Sort:
- Outer graph to perform topological sorting on the
graph. - Then, within each group, sort the items using topological sorting.
- Outer graph to perform topological sorting on the
Need help with the implementation?
from collections import deque
class Solution:
def get_group_wise_elements(self, group, m):
"""Helper function to quickly access all items belonging to a group"""
group_wise_elements = { i:[] for i in range(m) }
for i in range(len(group)):
grp = group[i] if group[i] >= 0 else -i-1
if grp not in group_wise_elements:
group_wise_elements[grp] = []
return group_wise_elements
def preprocessing(self, beforeItems, group, m, n, groupwise_items):
Given the beforeItems array, this function converts it into two graphs- Groups and Items.
Along with it, we are also returning the indegrees of each of the graphs' nodes so that we
can smoothly run topological sort.
group_indegree, items_indegree = {}, {i:0 for i in range(n)}
items_alist = {i:[] for i in range(n)}
group_alist = {}
for key in groupwise_items:
group_alist[key] = set()
group_indegree[key] = 0
for i in range(len(beforeItems)):
before = beforeItems[i]
for num in before:
if num not in items_alist:
items_alist[num] = [ ]
items_indegree[i] += 1
grp_num = group[num] if group[num] >= 0 else -num-1
grp_i = group[i] if group[i] >= 0 else -i-1
if grp_num != grp_i:
if grp_num not in group_alist:
group_alist[grp_num] = set()
for key in group_alist.keys():
group_alist[key] = list(group_alist[key])
for start_node in group_alist.keys():
for end_node in group_alist[u]:
if end_node not in group_indegree:
group_indegree[end_node] = 0
group_indegree[end_node] += 1
return items_alist, group_alist, items_indegree, group_indegree
def lpath(self, items_alist, group_alist, items_indegree, group_indegree, groupwise_items, n, group):
"""The actual nested topological sorting algorithm"""
output = [ ]
grp_queue = deque()
items_queue = deque()
for grp in group_indegree:
if group_indegree[grp] == 0:
# Outer topological sort is for groups
while grp_queue:
curr_grp = grp_queue.popleft()
group_indegree[curr_grp] -= 1
for adj_grp in group_alist[curr_grp]:
# Reduce the indegree of each adjacent group of the removed vertex by 1
group_indegree[adj_grp] -= 1
# Add new zero degree groups to the group deque
if group_indegree[adj_grp] == 0 :
# For popped group, find out zero degree items
for i in groupwise_items[curr_grp]:
if items_indegree[i] == 0 :
# Topological sort is for the items
while items_queue:
# Remove one vertex from items queue which have zero degree items and reduce the indegree
curr_vertex = items_queue.popleft()
items_indegree[curr_vertex] = items_indegree[curr_vertex] - 1
# Repeat for each adjacent of the removed item
for adj_vertex in items_alist[curr_vertex]:
# Reduce the indegree of each adjacent of the removed item by 1
items_indegree[adj_vertex] = items_indegree[adj_vertex] - 1
# Add items to items deque if their indegree becomes zero
if items_indegree[adj_vertex] == 0 and group[adj_vertex] == curr_grp:
if len(output) != n: return []
return output
def sortItems(self, n: int, m: int, group: List[int], beforeItems: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
group_wise_items = self.get_group_wise_elements(group, m)
items_alist, group_alist, items_indegree, group_indegree = self.preprocessing(beforeItems,group, m, n, group_wise_items)
return self.lpath(items_alist, group_alist, items_indegree, group_indegree, group_wise_items, n, group)
6. Find If Path Exists
6.1 Using BFS
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
We have not discussed test cases as it is an easy problem.
📚 Problem Overview:
We need to figure out if we can go from a source node to a destination node. This is a reachability problem in a graph. We know we can use BFS or DFS on an adjacency list or a matrix for reachability problem.
Can you convert the given edges
list into an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix representation? - We have a list of edges where each edges[i] = [u, v]
shows an edge between nodes u
and v
. - To create an adjacency list, we can do:
for u, v in edges:
💻 Code Implementation:
Note: For a better, more neat code, we have used the deque
data structure from the collections
module in Python. We can use it to implement a queue
used in BFS. It’s a useful data structure to know.
Need help with the implementation?
from collections import deque
class Solution:
def validPath(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]], source: int, destination: int) -> bool:
adj_list = { i:[ ] for i in range(n) }
visited = set()
# Create the adjacency list representation from Graph
for u, v in edges:
queue = deque([source])
while queue:
vertex = queue.popleft()
if vertex == destination:
return True
for neighbor in adj_list[vertex]:
if neighbor not in visited:
return False
7. Number of Provinces
🎯 Understanding the Test Cases:
We have not discussed test cases as it is an easy problem.
📚 Problem Overview:
We are given a matrix isConnected
where each entry [i][j]
tells us if there is a connection (edge) between nodes i
and j
. We can think of this as an adjacency matrix for a graph.
A province is a group of nodes that are all connected. The task is to count how many such provinces exist.
🤔 Can you think of a similar problem that we saw in the lectures?
This is a connected components problem. We need to find how many separate groups of connected nodes exist in the graph.
💡 The Solution:
To solve this, we can use either BFS or DFS. For this explanation, we’ll go with BFS to explore each connected component one by one.
Need help with the implementation?
from collections import deque
class Solution:
def get_neighbors(self, AMat, vertex):
"""Helper function to find out all neighbors of a node given the adjacency matrix."""
neighbors = []
for i in range(len(AMat)):
if AMat[vertex][i] == 1:
return neighbors
def BFS(self, AMat, source):
Runs BFS from a given source vertex and returns the set of vertices visited in that run of BFS.
That is, each run of the BFS will give us one province, or one connected component.
visited = set()
queue = deque([source]) # Initialize the queue with the source vertex
while queue:
vertex = queue.popleft()
neighbors = self.get_neighbors(AMat, vertex) # Pass both AMat and vertex
for neighbor in neighbors:
if neighbor not in visited:
return visited
def findCircleNum(self, isConnected):
# Initially, every vertex gets an invalid component number
components = {i: -1 for i in range(len(isConnected))}
# Keep track of the component number and the number of vertices already visited across BFS runs
component_number = 0
seen = 0
while seen < len(isConnected):
startvertex = min([i for i in range(len(isConnected)) if components[i] == -1])
visited = self.BFS(isConnected, startvertex)
# For every vertex that was visited in the current run of BFS, update its component number and update
# the number of vertices seen.
for vertex in visited:
components[vertex] = component_number
seen += 1
# Increment component number such that for the next run of BFS,
# a different component number will be assigned
component_number += 1
return component_number